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Items filtered by date: July 2024

Thick toenails can be more than just a cosmetic issue. They often signal underlying health problems. One of the primary causes of thickened toenails is fungal infections, known as onychomycosis. This occurs when fungi infiltrate through small cracks or cuts in the nail or surrounding skin, where they thrive in the moist environment under the nail bed. This condition can worsen, leading to thicker nails that may change color, emit a foul odor, and become painful. Besides fungal infections, health issues such as psoriasis, congenital disorders, or chronic illnesses can also cause your toenails to thicken. Prompt and proper treatment from a podiatrist is essential, as untreated thick toenails can lead to further complications, including difficulty in walking and wearing shoes comfortably. If you notice a thickening of your toenails, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam, diagnosis, and treatment options.

For more information about treatment, contact Sam Sanandaji, DPM of Foot and Ankle Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus is a condition that affects many people and can be especially hard to get rid of. Fortunately, there are several methods to go about treating and avoiding it.

Antifungals & Deterrence

Oral antifungal medicine has been shown to be effective in many cases. It is important to consult with a podiatrist to determine the proper regiment for you, or potentially explore other options.

Applying foot powder on the feet and shoes helps keep the feet free of moisture and sweat.

Sandals or open toed shoes – Wearing these will allow air movement and help keep feet dry. They also expose your feet to light, which fungus cannot tolerate. Socks with moisture wicking material also help as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Beverly Hills, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

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A Lisfranc foot injury involves damage to the midfoot, specifically the Lisfranc joint, which connects the forefoot and the arch. This injury can occur from a direct blow to the foot or from twisting or falling, leading to fractures or ligament tears. Symptoms of a Lisfranc injury include swelling, bruising, and significant pain in the midfoot, often exacerbated by standing or walking. The top of the foot may appear swollen, and there can be difficulty bearing weight. Misdiagnosis or delayed treatment can lead to chronic pain and instability. Prompt medical attention from a podiatrist is critical for an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan, which may include immobilization or surgery to ensure proper healing and restore function to the affected foot. If you have this type of foot fracture, it is suggested that you are under the care of this type of doctor who can offer you the best treatment solution.

A broken foot requires immediate medical attention and treatment. If you need your feet checked, contact Sam Sanandaji, DPM from Foot and Ankle Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A broken foot is caused by one of the bones in the foot typically breaking when bended, crushed, or stretched beyond its natural capabilities. Usually the location of the fracture indicates how the break occurred, whether it was through an object, fall, or any other type of injury. 

Common Symptoms of Broken Feet:

  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blue in color
  • Numbness
  • Cold
  • Misshapen
  • Cuts
  • Deformities

Those that suspect they have a broken foot shoot seek urgent medical attention where a medical professional could diagnose the severity.

Treatment for broken bones varies depending on the cause, severity and location. Some will require the use of splints, casts or crutches while others could even involve surgery to repair the broken bones. Personal care includes the use of ice and keeping the foot stabilized and elevated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Beverly Hills, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for a Broken Foot

Achilles tendon injuries can happen to anyone, but certain factors can increase the likelihood. Changes in training schedules or intensity, such as adding more miles to a running routine or incorporating explosive exercises can strain the Achilles tendon. Sudden switching of playing surfaces or footwear can also contribute to Achilles tendon injury risk. Tight or weak calf muscles, excessive pronation, or the rolling inward of the foot, and chronic ankle instability can place additional stress on the tendon. Regularly wearing high heels can shorten the Achilles tendon, making it more susceptible to injury. Excessive training, particularly running on hills, exposes the tendon to repeated micro-traumas. Increasing age reduces blood supply to tendons, making them more prone to injury. People with high-arched feet and certain types of arthritis are at a higher risk of developing Achilles tendinopathy. If you have suffered an Achilles tendon injury, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam and expert treatment.

Achilles tendon injuries need immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact Sam Sanandaji, DPM of Foot and Ankle Care Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is a tendon that connects the lower leg muscles and calf to the heel of the foot. It is the strongest tendon in the human body and is essential for making movement possible. Because this tendon is such an integral part of the body, any injuries to it can create immense difficulties and should immediately be presented to a doctor.

What Are the Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Injury?

There are various types of injuries that can affect the Achilles tendon. The two most common injuries are Achilles tendinitis and ruptures of the tendon.

Achilles Tendinitis Symptoms

  • Inflammation
  • Dull to severe pain
  • Increased blood flow to the tendon
  • Thickening of the tendon

Rupture Symptoms

  • Extreme pain and swelling in the foot
  • Total immobility

Treatment and Prevention

Achilles tendon injuries are diagnosed by a thorough physical evaluation, which can include an MRI. Treatment involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. However, various preventative measures can be taken to avoid these injuries, such as:

  • Thorough stretching of the tendon before and after exercise
  • Strengthening exercises like calf raises, squats, leg curls, leg extensions, leg raises, lunges, and leg presses

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Beverly Hills, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Achilles Tendon Injuries
Tuesday, 09 July 2024 00:00

Managing Sesamoiditis

Sesamoiditis is an inflammation of the sesamoid bones, which are two small bones embedded in the tendons beneath the big toe joint. These bones help to absorb the weight placed on the ball of the foot and assist with movement. Sesamoiditis occurs when these bones are subjected to excessive stress or repetitive pressure, often seen in activities like running, dancing, or wearing high-heeled shoes. Athletes, dancers, and individuals with high foot arches are particularly prone to sesamoiditis. Symptoms include pain in the ball of the foot, swelling, and difficulty bending the big toe. The pain typically worsens with activity and improves with rest. Preventing sesamoiditis involves wearing properly fitting, supportive shoes, avoiding high heels, and using orthotic inserts to distribute pressure evenly across the foot. Diagnosis is typically made through a physical examination and imaging tests such as X-rays. Treatment options include rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and cushioning pads to alleviate pressure. In severe cases, a podiatrist may recommend a period of immobilization or even surgery. Complications from untreated sesamoiditis can include chronic pain and difficulty with movement. If you have pain in this area of your foot, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

Sesamoiditis is an unpleasant foot condition characterized by pain in the balls of the feet. If you think you’re struggling with sesamoiditis, contact Sam Sanandaji, DPM of Foot and Ankle Care Center. Our doctor will treat your condition thoroughly and effectively.


Sesamoiditis is a condition of the foot that affects the ball of the foot. It is more common in younger people than it is in older people. It can also occur with people who have begun a new exercise program, since their bodies are adjusting to the new physical regimen. Pain may also be caused by the inflammation of tendons surrounding the bones. It is important to seek treatment in its early stages because if you ignore the pain, this condition can lead to more serious problems such as severe irritation and bone fractures.

Causes of Sesamoiditis

  • Sudden increase in activity
  • Increase in physically strenuous movement without a proper warm up or build up
  • Foot structure: those who have smaller, bonier feet or those with a high arch may be more susceptible

Treatment for sesamoiditis is non-invasive and simple. Doctors may recommend a strict rest period where the patient forgoes most physical activity. This will help give the patient time to heal their feet through limited activity. For serious cases, it is best to speak with your doctor to determine a treatment option that will help your specific needs.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Beverly Hills, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Sesamoiditis
Wednesday, 03 July 2024 00:00

Stop Your Toenail Fungus

Have you noticed discoloration of your toenails? Have they become thickened or brittle? If so, you may be experiencing symptoms of a fungal nail infection. For some, having a fungal nail can be embarrassing. Overcome your embarrassment, and get treated.

Working on your feet while pregnant presents unique challenges that require special attention to maintain comfort and health. Although standing all day is generally thought to be safe for most pregnant women, taking breaks to sit or move around can significantly ease the strain on your body. That said, if you are at a high risk of preterm delivery or have concerns about your baby's growth, it is essential to avoid prolonged standing. For those who need to stand for extended periods, positioning and movement are important to note. Keep your knees soft, space your legs apart, and engage your core muscles to reduce pressure on the knees and feet. Periodically move your legs by walking or shifting weight to help maintain blood circulation and minimize swelling. Elevating one foot on a low stool can also alleviate lower back stress. Comfortable footwear with good arch support and a low heel is essential, in addition to wearing compression socks to enhance blood flow and reduce swelling. If you experience foot pain or unusual swelling after working on your feet, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam and options for treatment.

While working on the feet, it is important to take the proper care of them. For more information about working on your feet, contact Sam Sanandaji, DPM from Foot and Ankle Care Center. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Working on Your Feet

Standing on your feet for long periods of time can cause stress and pain in your feet. Your whole body may experience change in terms of posture, back pain, bunions, callouses and or plantar warts. There are ways to avoid these conditions with proper foot care, smart choices and correct posture.

Positive Changes

Negative heeled shoe – Choosing this shoe type places the heel slightly lower than the ball of the foot. These are great for overall foot health. Find shoes that fit you correctly.

Go barefoot – Our feet were not designed to be enclosed for all hours of the day. Try to periodically expose your feet to air.

Eliminate Pain

Foot Exercises – Performing simple exercises, incorporating yoga and doing stretches are beneficial. This will allow increased blood flow to the area and muscles of the foot.

Achilles tendon – Stretching the foot out flat on the floor will relax the calf muscles and tendon. These exercises can be performed almost anywhere. Make sure you add these exercises to your daily regimen. 

With a little bit of this information and knowing more about foot health, you will notice changes. Foot stretches and proper footwear will help with pain and prevent further issues.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Beverly Hills, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

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